Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Most Memorable Super Bowl Commercials of 2012

The thing I love about the Super Bowl is that it always has great commercials to look forward to. Even if the game is complete crap one year, the commercials are funny time and time again. I wasn't a huge fan of the game this year, so I didn't think an article with a breakdown of its "big moments" would be very enjoyable. Instead, I decided to dedicate this post to the most memorable Super Bowl commercials of 2012. Let's look back on some of the best moments, shall we?

I'm Sexy and I Know It

You Didn't See Nuthin

The Party Has Arrived

Yaaa Boyeeeee

Possibly the Best Yogurt in the World

You Want One? Sorry!

Best Gift Ever! Best Gift Ever!

What Do You Mean You Want a New Contract?

What I Liked about These Commercials

The reason why I think these are the most memorable Super Bowl commercials of 2012 is because they're all really simple in concept but still really funny to watch. They have little unexpected twists that transcend multiple generations, making anyone watching them giggle involuntarily. I don't care if you're a 300 pound guy with an Italian accent. I guarantee you laughed for at least one of the commercials above – probably more so than you are willing to admit.

Are Super Bowl Commercials Effective?

The average Super Bowl commercial this year cost $3.5 million, which is a lot of money to pay for a TV ad. The reason why people pay so much for a commercial slot is because they know that a lot of people are going to be watching the game. If all of those people leave the TV screen with a certain commercial in mind, they are more likely to buy a product or service featured in the commercial. That just makes sense from a business perspective.

Here are some stats to keep in mind about the 2012 Super Bowl, courtesy of

  • The game was seen in an average of 47 percent of U.S. homes, the best rating since 1986 when the Chicago Bears’ win over the Patriots drew a 48.3 rating.
  • An average of 114 million viewers watched the halftime show.
  • This was the seventh straight year of Super Bowl-record viewership. It peaked at 117.7 million during its final half-hour.
  • This was the sixth highest viewed Super Bowl in history.

With numbers like those backing the commercials, there is no doubt that they were effective. You can see a lot of the ones listed above on TV now, and they are just as funny as they were on that fateful Sunday. Heck, I still remember the Snickers commercial with Betty White, and that was from two years ago. If that's not good advertising, I don't know what is. Let's close with that commercial, just so you can laugh along with me.

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